Features of Lab ManagerOne Screen Software for easy to use.
Mouse and Keyboard friendly laboratory software.
Secure Login base system.
Referring Hospital Master with commission specification.
Referring Doctor Master with commission specification.
More than 50 Pre-define regular reports present to start up immediately.
Dynamic Report Generation as per you requirement with the help of word format and column format.
Colors for: Not Selected, Selected, Data Entered and Printed Reports.
Auto distinct value load for every value parameter.
Option for Remaining Print, Print All etc.
Merge Printing Option Available (Only With Laser Printer).
Multiple Charges for single report Configurable.
Receipt printing.
Font editing for Heading title – value , Report Title, Subtitle, Range, Value , Caption Available for every individual report.
Page setting with every individual report.
Every existing and new report is completely configurable from top to bottom.
Key Points
Secure Login Base System
Hospital Master
Dynamic Report Generation
Auto Distinct Value Load For Every Value Parameter
Option for Remaining Print, Print All
Merge Printing Option
Font Editing
Receipt Printing
Page Setting With Every Individual Report
Doctor Wise Commission Report
Income By Lab Report
Daily Collection Report

CBC (Complete Blood Count)
PSMP (Malarial Parasites)
PLATELET/AEC (Platelet count)
RETIC (Retic Count)
APTT (Activated Plasma Thrombin Time)
SICKLING (Sickling)
BL-GROUP (Blood Group)
BT- CT (Bleeding Time- Clotting Time)
Hb. Electrophoresis Pattern (HB Electrophoresis Pattern)
Hb. Electrophoresis Composite (HB Electrophoresis Composite)
FDP/D Dimer (D-Dimer)

WIDAL – SLIDE/TUBE (Widal Test )
VDRL (Venereal Diseases Research Limited)
CRP BY TURBIDIMETRY (C- Reactive Protein)
HBSAG – ELISA (Hepatitis B Surface Antigen)
HIV 1 & 2 (Human Immuno Deficiency Virus 1 & 2)
ASO BY TURBIDOMETRY (Anti Streptolysin )
PF Antigen (Malarial Antigen Test)
HCV (Hepatitis C Virus)
Dengue (Dengue Test)

URINE ROUTINE & MICROSCOPY (Urine Routine & Microscopy)
PREGNANCY (Unine Pregnancy)
B.J. PROTEIN (Bence Jones Protein)

BODY FLUIDS (Body Fluids[pericardial, pleural, peritoneal, synovial])
T3,T4,TSH(Tri-Iodotyronine, Thyroxine, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone)
MANTOUXTEST (Mantoux Test)
CULTURE & SENSITIVITY (Culture & Sensitivity[ blood, urine, stool, pus, body fluids])
FSH/LH/PROLACTIN EACH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone / leutinizing Hormone / Prolactin)
GLUCOSE (Glucose )
FBS/PP2BS/RBS (Fasting Blood Sugar, Post Parandial Blood Sugar, Random Blood Sugar)
CREATININE (Serum Creatinine)
CHOLESTEROL (serum Cholesterol)
HDL CHOLESTEROL (High Density Cholesterol )
TRIGLYCERIDES (Serum Triglycerides)
BILIRUBIN (Serum Bilirubin)
BILIRUBIN (Serum Bilirubin)
SGPT/SGOT (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate / Oxaloacetate Transaminase)
SGPT/SGOT (Serum Glutamate Pyruvate / Oxaloacetate Transaminase)
ALP Serum Alkaline Phosphatase)
URIC ACID (Serum Uric Acid)
SERUM PROTEINS (Serum Proteins, Albumins, Globuling, Albumin / Globulin Ratio)
IRON (Serum Iron)
NA / K / CL / HCO3 / EACH (Sodium / Pottassium/Chloride/Bicarbonate Each)
CPK (Creatinine Kinase )
CK-MB (Creatinine Kinase mb)
LDH (Lactate Dehydrogenase)
TROPONIN I (Troponin i )
VIT B12 (Vitamin b12)
CORTISOL (Serum Cortisol)
HBA1C(Glycosylated Hemoglobin )
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen)
AFP (Alfa Feto Protein)
Doctor wise commission report
Doctor wise income report
Performance by Lab
Income by lab report
Daily Collection Report
TOOL ROUTINE & MICROSCOPY (Stool Routine & Microscopy